Meet the Candidate

The Maryland Senatorial election will be the major topic of the February meeting of the Ellicott City Western Howard Democratic Club.

Rep. Donna Edwards will be on hand to speak to our group. Yvette Lewis will also be there representing Rep. Chris Van Hollen’s campaign.

Our Club has been growing and we are expecting a large turnout for the meeting. So, we will be meeting on Tuesday, February 9 at the Glenwood Public Library on  Rt. 97 in Cooksville, MD. Please note the new location.

The March meeting is our endorsement meeting (venue TBA) and only members (who have been members for 30 days of more) can vote! This means new members can still join this week to make the cutoff for the March 9th meeting. Don't miss this opportunity if you have not renewed your membership for 2016.  See the details of membership levels here.

Make checks payable to: EC&WHCDC by February 6, 2016.

Mail to: Rich Corkran
4705 Ilkley Moor Lane
Ellicott City, MD 21043

The Ellicott City Western Howard Democratic Club has a great opportunity to get informed and influence who will be our next U.S. Senator from Maryland. Make plans to attend and bring a friend or two.

And, make sure you become members of our Facebook page, too!


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