Our July meeting is special. We are meeting at the home of Linda and Dave Osmundson beginning at 7 p.m. We will be having a potluck dinner. Please plan to bring a dish to pass.
In addition to the dinner, State Senator Ed Kasemeyer, chair of the budget and taxation committee, will be the featured speaker for our meeting.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about the financial aspects of our state, share fellowship with our Club members and enjoy a delicious summertime dinner.
Following is a special invitation from Linda and David, including the address.
Dear Fellow Democrats,
We look forward to hosting you for a potluck dinner at our home on Tuesday, 12 July, at 7 PM.
We will provide the main course and drinks, and look to you to contribute an appetizer, a side dish,
or a dessert, if possible. Please let us know if you plan to attend and what you will bring. Please
respond to all for meal planning purposes.
Our address is:
575 Deer Hill Road
Sykesville, Md 21784
We hope to see you all on the 12th!