In attendance: 35
Meeting opened @ 7:30 p.m.
Glory Days Restaurant, Rt. 40, Ellicott City
A. President’s Report
- Dan Medinger, president, opened the meeting by thanking Bryan and Rich on booking Glory Days. We’ll be here in Oct., as well
- Club approved the July 2016 minutes
- Thanked Dave and Linda for hosting July meeting. Thanked volunteers for August staffing of HoCo fair booth
- Labor Day picnic a success; our club grilled the meat
- Eric Holder is speaking sept 27 @ Owen Brown Center – all are invited
- Sept 24, Dan and Patti Medinger are hosting Chris Van Hollen fundraiser @ Siddiqui’s home – all are welcome to attend
- Holiday planning needs to start w HoCo Democratic Clu
- Congressman Sarbanes was in attendance and thanked the club for its work
Dan introduced other elected officials in attendance.
B. Treasurer’s Report
– balance $1639.14, including one receivable for $80; Expenses were $1,400; Income was $1,061.00
C. Program
1) MD state delegate Steve Lafferty on Hillary campaign, member of environmental committee and chair of Balto. County delegation. Was a delegate at the DNC.
Major themes: commitment to equity and social justice; equal pay for equal work; immigration reform; international scene.
Office is at 7050 Oakland Mills Rd. (the county Dem office). We need to set our sights on 2020; need phone calling, door knocking, etc.
Calvin Ball made some comments about party building, as well, including the Van Hollen campaign and strategy for 2018.
Central committee members spoke about phone banks and other volunteer efforts.
2) Jon Weinstein and Jen Terrasa spoke on referendum A – Howard County Citizens’ Election Fund about money in politics – voting to require the county to have this type of program – get it on charter – will require a commission of county residents – small donation matching; voluntarily sign-up by county council and county executive candidates. First time on ballot by itself. See details at; Facebook – Fair elections Howard.
There’s door knocking, etc., since it’s being run like a campaign. Pravin is hosting a house party.
Question B – expands council council input to budget.
D. New Business
Lisa Coster asked if we could consider donating to the Van Hollen and/or Clinton campaign. We will discuss during Oct. meeting.
We will also discuss an election watch party for the November 8th meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:38.p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Lisa B. Coster, secretary