In attendance: 16
Meeting opened @ 7:33 p.m.
Glory Days Restaurant, Rt. 40, Ellicott City
A. President’s Report
- Dan Medinger opened the meeting by reminding attendees we’ve changed meeting dates to the first Tuesday of each month.
- October minutes were approved.
- We have a busy agenda with time for open forum.
- Treasurer’s report submitted by Rich Corkran (read by Mr. Medinger), including $100 donation to Chris van Hollen and two new members – balance is now: $1,519.14
- Recognized elected officials – Delegate Eric Ebersole and three members of the Central Committee. Mr. Ebersole greeted everyone, talked about early voting and crowded polls.
- Reminded everyone our holiday party committee includes Patti Medinger, Sue Geckle and Lisa Coster. Date is Sat., Dec 17, 2 – 4 p.m. @ Ridgely Run Community Center; Carole is working to get sponsors so we get it catered.
- Introduced Roger Sangvic, Dan’s friend from leadership Howard County. He just retired and moved to Howard County. He is looking to get involved in politics.
- The Club is planning a fundraiser in the spring, considering a dance in March; need a committee.
- We’re staffing the polls for Van Hollen – need volunteers for Election Day; Sue Geckle reminded everyone that we need volunteers everywhere.
B. Program – Harry Slade from Edward Jones
- Doesn’t recommend pulling investments during election years even if you’re nervous.
- Very difficult to predict winning investments/funds during any sitting president.
- Democratic control has typically provided better return.
- Provided a booklet called “rules of the road” which includes 10 rules.
- Long term definition is 8-10 years, allowing market to go through all four phases.
- Edward Jones does not own its own products.
- Discussion about hedge funds
A. Old and New Business
- Question A discussion; materials available from Alan Schneider.
- Fundraiser – Bryan Coster suggested a barn dance; Dan said maybe Martha Clarke would host.
- Fred Dickson – invited everyone to the 3rd annual event he hosts thanksgiving morning, “Sunrise Unity of Silence,” for fighting all cancers, in D.C. @ the Washington Monument. He handed out fliers and we will post to FB.
Next meeting January 3, 2017.
The meeting adjourned at 8:49.p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Lisa B. Coster, secretary